I am SUPER excited to have a guest reviewer here for the first time! Please welcome a blogger I admire VERY much, if I were to become a real blogger, I'd want to be like her (and she's an amazing friend) Working For the Mandroid's, Leslie:
"From the very first sentence, I deemed Mira Grant’s Feed awesome and, really, how could I
not when it starts with:
“Our story opens where
countless stories have ended in the last twenty-six years: with an idiot – in this
case, my brother Shaun – deciding it would be a good idea to go out and poke a
zombie with a stick to see what happens.”

Instead Feed focuses
on the new form of media and politics in this rapidly adapting culture, built
partially around the most visceral of fears and the need for freedom. Georgia
and Shaun are bloggers, who get picked as the media pool for a Republican
candidate running for president at a time when bloggers aren’t taken serious by
the older generations. The story follows their experiences on the campaign
trail as a politically-motivated conspiracy starts playing out around the
caravan of political advisors, interns, and supporters that follow their
candidate around. Zombies are constantly a threat on the edges of the story,
but the damage that living humans can do to one another becomes a bigger issue
than the shuffling undead. It’s definitely an interesting way to inhabit a zombified
There are a fair number of characters in the book, but only
two that really get fleshed out. Shaun is the crazy brother, who likes to poke
zombies with hockey sticks and generally put himself into mortal danger as long
as a camera is rolling on him. He’s goofy, sarcastic and wonderful. The
immaturity and silliness that he shows in public is nicely countered by his
sensitivity and sincere concern for his sister, Georgia. He’s like a guy from Jackass, but with a hidden gooey center.
And he’s really funny.
But it was Georgia who made me love this book. She’s the
newsie of the bunch, very dedicated to the truth and her beliefs in
journalistic ethics. She’s a great character to live inside of (the book is in
first person): sardonic, cynical and just slightly insane with her dedication
towards her chosen field. She has ocular Kellis-Amberlee – or essentially “zombie
eyes” – that require her to wear dark glasses all the time to prevent permanent
damage to the point of blindness. Combine that with her uniform of Kevlar and
other pieces of tactical gear and she’s like a little journalistic terminator
with her old-school mp3 recorder and bad attitude. If you can’t tell, I quickly
became enamored with Georgia to the point that I didn’t care when her inner
narration halted the story completely so that she could go on a five page
history lesson on this or that disease or rant about society/television
media/politicians. I was right there with her and, with my own personal
background in journalism, spent a good portion of her journalistic rants
thinking, “YES! THAT! That’s how I want things!”
But then again I’m a huge geek.
So there are some pacing issues that, if you’re not as
interested in the history of this world, how things came to be as they are, or Georgia’s
personal views on the political process, then there will regularly be chunks of
exposition that will most likely bore you. I didn’t mind each piece of
information filled the world out just a little more and Grant has filled in a
lot of the tiny details that often get overlooked in post-apocalyptic books.
Other than that, my only real issue was with the blog posts used to cap the
chapters. Each was dated, but the dates combined with the story itself really
screwed me up with the passage of time. Or maybe the Republican convention does
take place in March of an election year and I was confusing myself
unnecessarily. Either way, I had a hard time connecting the blog posts that
often didn’t correspond to any one event to the story itself.
I was really disappointed that I was the only one in the
book club that read the whole thing prior to the meeting, mostly because it
meant I had absolutely no one to commiserate with on how absolutely devastated this
book left me. Emotionally Grant covers all the bases: Georgia’s dry sense of
humor had me laughing out loud regularly, moments of tension that left me
unable to put the book down when it was far past my bedtime, and a sudden twist
that left me staring into the blank space, distraught for days after I finished
it. Even now five days later, thinking about a certain short section (no
spoilers!) brings tears to my eyes and makes me hurt, but I’m also a huge sap
who becomes far too emotionally invested with the lives of fictional
Feed is an awesome
and unusual zombie book, and it actually has a great conclusion that feels like
the story is completely wrapped up. It doesn’t need two sequels, though I own
both of them and will eventually read them. I can’t imagine either comparing to
Feed though. It’s a fully formed
world with great characters, who I would probably be friends with if they actually
were real people. It feels different from the other zombie books I’ve read
because the zombies are such a small piece of a much larger, more complex
story. I’d recommend it even to those who aren’t usually into the walking dead
inhabiting their stories. Feed is now in my top 10 of 2012, hanging out with Robopocalypse and fellow zombie tale Dearly, Departed.
Cool! very well written entry to the supernatural book club blog. dearly, beloved is a book that's just crossed my paperbackswap suggested reading list.... is it really amazing?
When I was reading this I was picturing Leslie when I pictured blogger Georgia Mason. I feel like if the world ever came to that Leslie would be doing exactly what Georgia is doing.
That being said, Leslie is right, none of us finished the book, myself included! I'll be back when I finish it!
Oh, Anna, Dearly Departed (Beloved is the sequel that hasn't come out yet) is a book that left me entirely too conflicted. It's brilliant and different and I think even you could take it despite the zombies. Think a future steampunk-esque future with zombies, some of whom keep their intelligence and original personalities and some who don't.
I wanted to start reading it again the moment I finished. In my email with the Feed review, I told Heather that was my suggestion for next month's read. The cover is super girlie, but if Brian and Fernando can look past it, they might find it interesting.
So I just finished FEED about 2 weeks ago (i'm bad, I know). I really enjoyed it, and I think it's because it was a zombie book that wasn't really about zombies. I'm not much into political fiction, but this sparked my interest. I agree, Georgia was a really lovable character. One night after falling asleep reading, I even dreamed about retinal KA, and zombie deer.
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